Meet Dr. Edden Agonafer
Welcome to Walk Lite Christian Life Coaching! If you've found yourself here, you may be seeking more fulfillment, purpose, and direction in your life. As a Christian life coach, I am dedicated to helping you discover (or rediscover) and live out God's unique plan for you. With years of professional and personal experience and a dedication to customized solutions, I will help you set and achieve goals that bring about lasting change.
What is Christian life coaching and why do you need to consider it? Christian life coaching is a transformative journey rooted in biblical principles and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Unlike traditional coaching, which focuses primarily on achieving personal and professional goals, Christian life coaching encompasses the spiritual dimension of your life. It aligns your aspirations with God's will, ensuring that your path forward is not only successful but also deeply fulfilling and spiritually enriching.
Schedule free consultation with Edden
Edden is dedicated to helping you navigate life's challenges, find balance, and live a fulfilling life aligned with Biblical principles. Let Walk Lite Coaching guide you towards a purposeful and abundant life.